÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ College provides students with a number of liturgical opportunities during the course of the year.Ìý These include whole school celebrations of Mass at the beginning of the year (Term 1) and for Advent at the end of the year (Term 4), as well as for Sacred Heart Day (Term 2).Ìý In Term 3, students participate in a Year Group Mass.Ìý Our celebration Holy Week (Term 1) and Chevalier Day (Term 3) are whole school Liturgies of the Word, with our prayer service for Ash Wednesday being held in Pastoral Tutor groups.Ìý In addition, in Term 1, the College holds a Family Mass and in Term 4 Graduation Masses.ÌýÌýÌý
÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ College values student participation in the preparation and delivery of its liturgies.Ìý The College has a Liturgy Committee that is Chaired by the Mission Captain and includes staff and students.Ìý Additionally, students are invited to take on a wide variety of roles, as readers, singers, musicians etc.Ìý
÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ College views its liturgies as opportunities for all members of the ‘family’ to gather together to celebrate God’s love.ÌýÌý We celebrate as Catholics, although through a uniquely MSC lens.Ìý The College’s Eucharistic liturgies are celebrated by MSC priests, including the College’s chaplain Father Kimi Vunivesilevu MSC.ÌýÌýÌý